Inicio VIDEOS MOVIL Actualización: 5:50pm

Actualización: 5:50pm


Actualización: 5:50pm

1/12 4:00pm Grand Rapids- Quarry and Webster,armed car jacking with multiple subjects stealing a car

4:12 PD has spotted the vehicle, pursuit ensuing

4:18 Suspects in stolen vehicle attempted to ram into a GRPD Cruiser In the 900blk of Douglas, possible accident involving an officer

4:23 Medical asked to stage at Lane and California to check on a GRPD officer- possible injuried at a med 2 level

4:25 EB 196 at Lane, car into a light pole- the expressway is completely blocked

4:27 Appears the subjects fled on foot, one in custody

4:30pm Grand Rapids- Bridge St, nearing downtown. Large police presence

4:32 10-15 cruisers reported running code in the area of Bridge and Fulton

4:33 Until we know otherwise, please avoid the area.

4:45 Appears at least 3 are now in custody

5:00 Reports additonal 10 cruisers running code on Michigan. Unknown how this is related

5:27 2-3 subjects remain outstanding- PLEASE DO NOT GO TO LANE/BRIDGE/STOCKING!!

5:36 Officer that was rammed is reported to be ok

Gran presencia de policía en la calle cuatro en el Nw de la ciudad de Grand Rapids Michigan.

De manera extraoficial se nos notificó que una persona rehusa salir de casa a quien vinculan con un crimen grave.

Cortesía nuestro ojo ciudadano.

ARTICULOS RELACIONADOS   ¡Tu auto nuevo está aquí! Ven con Samuel Rodriguez de Betten Baker Hudsonville